Movie screening @ blurred edges

In addition to our concert at blurred edges on June 13 (see below), there will be a special movie screening featuring the OEIN, including our guests Tatiana López und Carlos Gutiérrez.

Aus den 84 Tagen/ De los 84 días
directed by Philipp Hartmann
Wednesday, June 12, 19:00
3001 Kino, Schanzenstraße 75, 20357 Hamburg

Tatiana, Carlos, and Philipp will be present and talk about the film, and Tatiana and Carlos will play a short live concert. A perfect introduction for our concert the next day!

Nelly Boyd @ blurred edges 2024

We are playing at blurred edges again. This time we are happy to present Tatiana Vanessa López Churata and Carlos Gutiérrez Quiroga from Bolivia. Both are members of the Orquesta Experimental de Instrumentos Nativos (OEIN) and are also working together as a duo.

They will perform a short set as a duo, we will perform some pieces of our Whirligig series, and then we will perform together as a sextet. We have just finished the process of collectively composing a new Open Whirligig piece for the occasion, which we will premiere, and we will play a piece for open instrumentation, which Carlos will bring.

We are happy to return to the Christianskirche after several years and looking forward to play again in this special acoustic space.

Thursday, 13 June 2024, 20:00
Christianskirche, Klopstockplatz 2, 22765 Hamburg
12,- €/8,- €