This is a list of all the pieces we (both Nelly Boyd and BEGO) have played since our inception. Some of them we still play.
- A Walk in Place for Nelly Boyd (2009) for melodica, electric guitar, cello, double bass, voice, percussion and tape
- Über die Notwendigkeit von seismischen Bewegungen (um manche Strukturen zu bewegen) (2004) for computer, voice and guitar
- Quartet in E (2004), 4 electric guitars, electric bass
- L’eterna avventura (2016), guitars, piano, contact microphones, voices
- Music for Marcel Duchamp (1947) for prepared piano
- Dream (1948) for piano
- 4’33’’ (1952) for any instrument or combination of instruments
- Music for Piano 69 – 84 (1956)
- Radio Music (1956) for 1-8 performers, each at one radio
- Concert for Piano and Orchestra (1957-58): Solo for piano; Solo for violin 1; Solo for ‚cello
- Solo for Voice 1 (1958)
- Fontana Mix (1958)
- Cartridge Music (1960)
- 0’00’’ (4’33’’ No. 2) (1962)
- Variations IV (1963) for any number of players, any sounds or combinations of sounds produced by any means, with or without other activities.
- Variations VI (1966) for a plurality of sound systems
- Child of Tree (1975) for solo percussion
- Branches (1976) percussion solo, duet, trio or orchestra (of any number of players)
- Inlets (1977) for three players, with conch player (using circular breathing) and the sound of a fire
- Litany for the Whale (1980) for two voices
- One (1987) for piano
- Five (1988) for any five voices or instruments
- Seven (1988) for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, viola and cello
- One3 (1989)
- Four3 (1991) for four performers (one or two pianos, twelve rainsticks, violin or oscillator and silence)
- Four4 (1991) for four percussionists
- Four6 (1992) for any way of producing sounds
- Guitar trio (1977) for three electric guitars, electric bass and drums
- Die Donnergötter (1984-86) for six electric guitars, electric bass and drums
- The Out Of Tune Guitar, No. 4 (2008) for 10 electric guitars, electric bass and drums
- Oscillations in space (2016) for cello, 2 oscillators, 2 guitars, and computer
Hanns Eisler
- Hollywooder Liederbuch (1942/43): Über den Selbstmord; Hotelzimmer 1942; An den kleinen Radioapparat
Robert Engelbrecht
- Pièce de résistance (1998) for piano four hands
- Drohne 3 (1999-…) for electric guitar and solo instrument
- Drohne 4 (1999/2007) for four electric guitars
- Drohne 5 (2000-2008) for four electric bass guitars
- Konzert für E-Gitarren (Pièce de résistance No. 2) (2001)
- A la mémoire de Mascha (2002/13) for three electric guitars
- Quartett (2002) for four stereo tapes
- Drohne 8 (2004) for electric piano
- Notturno (2007/2016) for voice and tape
- Primo (2008) for melodica and cello
- Duo für Klavier und Violoncello (2008)
- Nellys Boudoir (2009) for piano four hands, three electric guitars, percussion and tape
- Rote Flora (2009) for six or more electric guitars, bass and drums
- Flora Swing (2010) for eight or more electric guitars, bass and drums
- Mimi und Bartel (2011) for two pianos
- Wiet buten (2011) for piano, cello, double bass, electric guitar and tape
- Herbstflora (2011) for eight or more electric guitars, bass and drums
- Duo für E-Gitarren (2011)
- Architeuthis (2014) for eight electric guitars, bass and drums
- Nephila (2016) for eight electric guitars, bass and drums
- Blitz und keen Dunner (2016/17) for 5 electric guitars and trombone
- Fujin (2018) for four melodicas
Jan Feddersen
- Quartett III (2006) für Violine, Cello, Fender Rhodes, prepared piano
- 5 instrumente (2008) for melodica, piano, bass clarinet, violin and cello
- 4 guitars (2009) for four electric guitars and sine waves
- 2 guitars (2009) for 2 electric guitars and sine waves
- trio (2010) for bowed electric guitar, bowed electric bass and cello
- company (2011) for two pianos
- 3 strings (2011) for electric guitar and cello
- 3 guitars (2011) for three electric guitars and sine waves
- 2 seconds (2011) for four electric guitars
- Triton (2013) for 3×2 sine tones, 3 ebow-guitars and 3 rooms
- 3 strings no. 2 (2013) for bowed electric guitar, cello and double bass
- Slides (2015) for three electric guitars with e-bows
- Ohne Titel (2016) for five electric guitars with e-bows
- L’orgue des grillons de Vénissac (2017) for 6 electric guitars with e-bows
- giration (2017) for 6 electric guitars played with e-bows
- giration (basse) (2017) for 5 electric guitars with e-bows
- giration3 (2018) for four melodicas
- giration (sur la durée) (2019) for four e-bow guitars and playback
Morton Feldman
- Intermission 5 (1952)
- Piano Piece (1952)
- Intermission 6 (1953) for 1 or 2 pianos
- Piece for 4 pianos (1957)
- Two pianos (1957)
- Durations 1 (1960) for alto flute, piano, violin and cello
- Durations 2 (1960) for cello and piano
- Durations 3 (1961) for violin, tuba and piano
- Durations 4 (1961) for vibraphone, violin and cello
- Durations 5 (1961) for horn, vibraphone, harp, piano/celesta, violin and cello
Ignacio Fernández-Bollo
- Diastole (2011) for five guitars
- SZ (2012) for electric guitar and rattles
- Q. K. (2015) for organ, guitar, cello, percussion
- 2550 M. ü. M. (2018) for five side bassdrums
- expressis verbis for Nelly Boyd (2007)
Peter Imig
- 40 HZ Gamma-Oszillationen (2004) mergence for sinewave-generators, computers + 5 musicians
- Carlos Castaneda (2004) for five electric guitars and tape
- Fünf (2005) for five electric guitars and delay system
- Jagdszenen (2005)
- 4 (2007) for organ, electric guitar, electric bass, cello and sine tones
- 80 Hz (2008)
- 6 (2008) for church organ, cello, violin, electric organ
- 7 (2009) for electric piano in just intonation, violin, cello, tube bells, church organ and sine tones
- Lieblingsdinge (2010) for any number of players with amplified cups
- D-Drone (2011) for electric guitars, double bass, organ, cello and tape
- Lieblingsdinge 2 (2012) for three Monotron synthesizers
- Prometheus (2012) for three ebow guitars and three tapes
- do nothing, just wait, the singing will start…. sooner or later (2012) for amplified cymbals
- Some Hot Bottles Coolin‘ Down (2015)
- Vespers (1968)
- “I am sitting in a room” (1969)
- Bird and person dyning (1975)
- Music on a long thin wire (1977)
- Still and moving lines of silence in families of hyperbolas (new version 1984): Part III Number 11: Violoncello; Part III Number 12: Violin I
- Music for cello with one or more amplified vases (1993)
- Still Lives (1995)
- Broken Line (2006)
- Ever Present (2007)
- Canon (2007)
- Criss-Cross (2013) for two electric guitars
- Double Helix (2018) for four electric guitars
- Sexy frequencies (2004) für 4 or more computers, noise generator und percussion
- Unexpected (2004) for any metal percussion instrument, 2 computers + 2 microphones
- Up still down (2004) for 5 electric guitars
- Up still down 2 (2005) for 2 to 8 electric guitars
- vibration I (2012) for piano and cell phones
- 3 to 7 – 196 (1974)
- Summing II (1985)
- Five More String Quartets (1991-93)
- Guitar too, for four (1996)
- Pan Fried 27.5 (2001/03)
- Sethwork (2003)
- Tow By Tom (2005)
- One Large Rose for Nelly Boyd (2008)
- Three Petals for Nelly Boyd, Trio Scordatura and Ensemble neoN (2013)
- A Rose in Bloom (2019)
- Exploratory, Rhine version „Looking for Daniel“ (2019)
Johann Popp
- Marschmusik 4 (2018) for four melodicas
- Beckenquartett (2022) for four cymbals
- Pendulum Music (1968) for 3 or 4 microphones, amplifiers and loudspeakers
- Clapping Music (1972)
- in C (1964)
- Tread on the Trail (1965)
Jens Röhm
- Hinterconti-ysis (2004)
- Fine day circle (2004)
- Mind the gap I+IV (2005) for ensemble
- Klopstock + Meta (2007) for 3 mikrophones + delay system
- Mind the gap II+III+V (2008) for ensemble
Jürgen Sosnowski
- OMFUG (2005)
Karlheinz Stockhausen
- Aus den sieben Tagen (1968): Richtige Dauern
James Tenney
- Postal Pieces (1965-71): Swell Piece; Swell Piece No. 2; (night)
- Septet (1981) for six electric guitars and bass
Lois V Vierk
- Go Guitars (1981) for five electric guitars
- For Five or Ten People (1962)
- For 1, 2 or 3 People (1964)
- Prose Collection (1968-74): Crazy Mad Love; Song
- Burdocks (1970-71)
- Songs (1973-75): Wake up; After a few years
- Metal and Breath (2007)
- Where (2015) for six or more players
- Composition 1960 #7