Monday, June 4, 20:00
Innenhof Kraftwerk Bille, 53°32’34.3″N 10°02’14.8“E
Kreuzung Anton-Ree-Weg/Basedowstraße/Michelsenweg
Four musicians from the contemporary experimental scene in Paris as guests of Nelly Boyd: solo and in different constellations.
Come see and hear!
Nina Garcia „Mariachi”
Solo: 1 guitar, 1 pedal, 1 amp.
You’ll probably find: feedbacks, cracklings, short circuits, impacts, harmonics, grindings noises, overflowings, notes and quasi perfect chords.
Moshé O’Grady
Harmonic Drone
Adrien Kanter und Matthieu Philippe De l‘Isle
The loving energy of punk rock and a fascination for the feeling of sound.
And of course Nelly Boyd, this time as a quartet of Moxi Beidenegl, Robert Engelbrecht, Jan Feddersen and Johann Popp.
This concert is part of the Blurred Edges festival. Blurred Edges is supported by Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.